On Tue, Jun 03, 2003 at 07:52:25PM +0300, Meir Kriheli wrote:

[ snip ]

> There's one thing we must realize:
> The stage of early adapters and techies adopting FOSS is reaching the end. 
> From now on we are facing a uphill PR battle.
> We're nearing a stage off public non techie adoption. As we see at Whatsup 
> more and more "Normal" people are joining. Assuming linux-il and IGLU are 1st 
> tier, various forums are 2nd tier, we're now facing the 3rd tier (the 
> public).
> They're not reading linux-il or visiting IGLU, they don't care so much about 
> the old boys. They don't visit Hamakor's site or read it's mailing lists.
> What the 1st and 2nd tier should do is fight a PR battle for them and the ones 
> to come. It includes releasing PR info for them, as they won't follow up or 
> search it for themselves.
> Take Nadav's comment. I took his announcement 

Translated it to Hebrew,

> and published it at whatsup 
> (with some mistakes by my side during the translation - Like Dan's last 
> name). People became aware to it (many of them for the 1st time). Nadav 
> commented there, correcting my mistakes.
> Wouldn't it save resources if a "Press Release" was issued ? It have saved us 
> the time to translate it, and Nadav's time coming and "fixing" it.

To what address should announcements be sent? Are there any problems with 
UTF-8 text?

Actually, Nadav sent a rather "Technical" (though funny) annoncement about 
version 0.5 (read: not yet 1.0. Not yet ready for "tier 1 public" consumption. 
I believe that Nadav and Dan will agree with this stantement).

BTW: this was announced on ivrix-discuss and linux-il. Are people of the
WhatsUp site subscribed to both lists?

> Or take for example the result of the poll about Hamakor at Whatsup (what's 
> wrong with it's web site BTW ?). 

Why bother installing a poll facility?

Hamakor has a simpe site, with static pages. Very resiliant to possible
slash-dotting and similar problems.

> More than 60% (as for now) don't know about 
> it or won't pay (for various reasons). 

Considering the Hinam reputation, I wouldn't be surprised people have
their reasons not wanting to spend their money :-)

Tzafrir Cohen                       +---------------------------+
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