On Wed, 4 Jun 2003, Dovix wrote:

> Since the idea is to bring Hamakor to the hearts of
> the masses, it might be useful to add to the server
> some other stuff:
> - Mandrkae 9.1 ISOs (and maybe additional 2-3 gigas
> for the Contrib packages) - 2-4 gigas
> - Knoppix - less than 1 giga
> - Kazit - less than 1 giga
> - Morphix - gaming edition (this one has a unique
> value over Knoppix) - less than 1 giga
> - Gentoo - live CD (the one with UT2003)

There are more GameCDs available now (by Gentoo Games, Inc.): America's 
Army and RTCW:Enemy Territory. See www.gentoogames.com for details.

PS: a Gentoo rsync mirror would be nice (if the bandwidth allows it, of 
> If you need the download addresses I can provide them.
> (btw, the Iglu mirror for Mandrake is a bit outdated
> and besides it would be nicer to point people to
> Hamakor for downloads...
> http://linux.org.il/mirrors.html)
> And don't forget to leave some extra space for the
> Kinneret ISO ;) 

Tal Peer

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