On Sun, Aug 31, 2003 at 06:52:11AM -0400, Vadim Vygonets wrote:
> Quoth Tzafrir Cohen on Sun, Aug 31, 2003:
> > On Sun, Aug 31, 2003 at 01:34:35AM -0400, Vadim Vygonets wrote:
> > > Except some of us use tty-based mailers (for various reasons),
> > > and UNIX does not support Unicode natively yet.  And support for
> > > Hebrew in UNIX is much less advanced than support for Russian and
> > > Japanese, for example.
> > 
> > Actually, if the system's iconv doen't work well you can install gnu's
> > libiconv and have a decent charset and uniicode support.
> The problem is that most things in UNIX assume one-byte
> characters, and applications may behave unexpectedly when given
> multibyte text (Unicode, far east languages, etc.).  Case in
> point: you need a special terminal emulator (kterm), special
> editor (jvi) and pager (jless) to work with Japanese text (and
> I'm not even talking about input methods for the multitude of
> characters that the language has yet).

Use vim 6. Use dtterm or uxterm. Or build mlterm on your own. With
dtterm you have to use a UTF-8 locale (probably en_US-UTF-8). This is
something that should work on a standard solaris 8/9 desktop.

As for less: I'm not sure.

> I18n in UNIX is quite weak in general: try convince tty-based
> apps to display Polish and Russian (for extra points, make them
> display the two languages simultaneously).  Right-to-left
> languages are even more problematic than that.

install fribidi and optionally bidiv. Then use either the fribidi
command-line filter (on a UTF-8 locale) or bidiv (elsewhere).

Alternatively: Sun published the code for bidi in, e.g. terminals. I
don't know if it is used in Solaris 9. But it is used in the debain
package xiterm.

ncurses has a version that supports multi-byte chars: ncursesw. Mutt
(and screen) can be built with it. This gtreatly improves the UTF-8
capabilities. This is what I use.

> This all means that if your mailer is tty-based, you need to
> decide which languages (encodings, to be exact) to use *before*
> you run it.  Which sucks, frankly.

pine is indeed problematic. Though I heared that there are some patches
for partial handling, and that pine 4.50 is a small step in that

Mutt can be used, if you read the README carefully enough while
building, as mentioned above.

I don't know about elm and other mailers.

There is preliminary support in gnu emacs., which gives support to some
other potentially-tty mailers.

> > > In light of this, please explain why Emacs-bidi was developed in
> > > Japan, and not (e.g.) Israel or an Arabic country that actually
> > > *uses* right-to-left text.
> > 
> > [ Just to remind to the gnus/vm users here: you might want to try it ]
> I use mutt/nvi, anyway ;)

Try vim 6. No bidi support but solid unicode and otherwise multibyte

Tzafrir Cohen                       +---------------------------+
http://www.technion.ac.il/~tzafrir/ |vim is a mutt's best friend|
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