Quoth Tzafrir Cohen on Sun, Aug 31, 2003:
> Use vim 6. Use dtterm or uxterm. Or build mlterm on your own. With
> dtterm you have to use a UTF-8 locale (probably en_US-UTF-8). This is
> something that should work on a standard solaris 8/9 desktop.

Yes, I'm aware that all this exists.  Still, does sed regexp /./
match the (two-byte) Hebrew character Aleph in UTF-8?  Until that
happens, I will not call the support of Unicode in UNIX "native".
(I don't insist on UTF-8, any encoding of Unicode is fine with

> ncurses has a version that supports multi-byte chars: ncursesw. Mutt
> (and screen) can be built with it. This gtreatly improves the UTF-8
> capabilities. This is what I use.

Good to know, thanks.  Will mutt re-code text from anything to


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