On Sun, Oct 12, 2003 at 12:12:26PM +0000, Diego Iastrubni wrote:
> Hi Shlomi, 
> Here are my observations of you remaster:
> general:
> --------
> * Thin-Keramic is nice, but keramic is better if you want a better unified 
> desktop

One note: the KDE cursor that knoppix so likes (left_ptr) was too
"delicate" and did a good job of hiding in the background of my laptop
(some compaq)

> * qt3.2 has some issues, for example look in kicker for the hide buttons, also 
> * can you map the "win" key to the kemnu? (mdk does that)

I personally rather use it as a language keyboard switcher. You have two
of them, located on both sides of the keyboard. Thus you can always
press on one of them with one hand when the other hand presses on a
relevant key (for typing a number of words in the other language).

> * please add gtkgraph, or better program (kde based a BIG plus!)
> things that may be removed without any problems:
> * where is the show dektop button?

Who needs it? Why should there be any important items on the desktop at
all? put important items in places where they can't be hidden.

> * mixer volume is is 50%, can it be put to 95%?
> * qparted does not load
> * xine is not setup up to play avi's by default
> * the same for xmms
> * set the default font in "konsole" to "console" please
> * xmms-bidi? i see only garbage in files, try "LC_CTYPE=he_IL.ISO-8859-8 
> biditext xmms" works in mdk9.2

BTW: are fat/ntfs partitions mounted with the option 'utf8' ?

> + bb ownz! (whwre can iget more of this?)

Add that aalib webcam ;-)

> + OO1 final!

BTW: what about OOo with Hebrew localization? What is its status?

Tzafrir Cohen                       +---------------------------+
http://www.technion.ac.il/~tzafrir/ |vim is a mutt's best friend|
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