On Sun, Nov 02, 2003 at 09:01:55AM +0200, Shai Bentin wrote:

> Here's the whole story. I have a java application which needs to start from 
> the directory where it is as a working directory. The problem is that this 
> application can be installed by the user anywhere on his system. So I need a 
> way to start the application from the diectory it was saved in. In windows 
> for example I can create a shortcut with a working directory, in Linux I 
> don't know? One way is to use a script which I ask the user to set the 
> working directory by him self. My question is if there are other ways to do 
> it?

untested, but should work, modulu error handling: 

APP=`which app`
DIR=`dirname $APP`
cd $DIR && echo $DIR && $APP

Muli Ben-Yehuda
http://www.mulix.org | http://www.livejournal.com/~mulix

"the nucleus of linux oscillates my world" - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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