On Thu, 6 Nov 2003, Nadav Har'El wrote:

> I just noticed that "Fedora Core 1" was released today (I think) -
> see http://fedora.redhat.com/docs/release-notes/.
> Is this what would-have-been-called "Redhat 10" (or Redhat 9.1 or whatever)?
> It certainly looks that way, except I don't see a big fuss about this
> release (we always had a couple of weeks of rumors before a Redhat release...).
> What's the "Core" part of the release name - should I be waiting
> for some "non-core" parts of this release, or is this "Fedora Core" the
> good-old-Redhat's new name?
> It appears, then, that it is not the end of the world as we know it :)

Hey, don't know why people talk about it from afar.  I have been
involved in Fedora for two months now.  Come meet us in #fedora
and #fedora-devel at irc.freenode.net, or join fedora-devel list
to see how great people discuss about this community project.
Alan Cox, Havoc Pennington, Owen Taylor, Eric Raymond, and many
many other great hackers...

And the answers:  Yes, it's what you can call Red Hat 10.  And
the release was scheduled for Nov 3, but got delayed for a couple
of days.  No fuss, just because development was open, so you
could see what's in, and what's not.  No magic.

Core, means this is the Core of Fedora as you guessed.  Fedora
Core is the main part of system, that Red Hat is contributing
to.  Fedora Extras would exist.  Currently packages for Fedora
Extra can be found at http://fedora.us/.  And new packages get in
every day.

Your final word, absolutely not!  It's just the beginning.  You
should expects miracles for Fedora Core 2.  An experience never
done before in the Open Source software world.  Come see yourself
on fedora-devel list.

Hope it helps,


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