On Monday 10 November 2003 13:14, Ely Levy wrote:
> and personaly I very much disagree with khtml way of imitating ie behavor
> instead of not displaying webpage which is not by the standart

I of course completly disagree. by definition a browser should always make a 
best effort in trying to display a web page, no matter how broken it is.
As a result of this philosophy, KHTML does attempt to mimic IE behavior (the 
de-facto "standard" most web-sites adhere to) as long as it does not 
compromise W3 standard compliance. the object here is to give the best 
usability to most users and not only to evangelists.

When you get down to it, there are some IE "extensions" that are a better 
interface then W3's. document.all comes to mind, but also attachEvent instead 
of addEventListener (the interface is better). it would be a good idea to 
support such (usable) extensions even though they are not defined by W3.


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