On Thursday 13 November 2003 01:17, Shachar Shemesh wrote:

> 12 hours from request to an active mailing list+archive. Not too bad, I
> think.
> The full details are available on http://mirror.hamakor.org.il. The

Better than **not bad** :-), but there's one small problem. If I read the 
details on http://mirror.hamakor.org.il correctly, as useful as the 
information is, it still doesn't answer Herouth's original question that 
started this thread, and that is where to find an up-to-date update site for 
Mandrake 9.1. I admit that until reading the thread, I hadn't noticed that 
recently, running Mandrake Update against the IGLU mirror doesn't update 
anything - how silly of me :-(. So to repeat Herouth's question:

Any clues? Alternative mirrors that are actually up-to-date? I'm talking about
security/bugfix mirrors, not the ISO or the net install.

Shlomo Solomon
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