For those of you who may not remember, my problem was not being able to reach 
certain URLs from Win98 machines connected to my ADSL line via my LINUX box.

In the end, it turned out not to be a LINUX problem after all. I finally got 
around to using ethereal to try to see if the MTU was properly set on the 
Win98s. It was OK, but playing with ethereal, I discovered that on the 
problem URLs, DNS was not returning the same IP address to Win98 as I was 
getting in LINUX. I then checked and discovered that the 3 Win98 machines 
were configured to use a different DNS server than the one in my LINUX 
resolv.conf. The reason is that the Win98s were set up long before I had ADSL 
and the DNS server was for the ISP I used about 5 years ago. The DNS in 
resolv.conf belongs to my current ISP. Until a few weeks ago, this was not a 

In fact, I had ruled out a DNS problem earlier because the Win98s could reach 
most URLs with no problem and there were only a few problematical URLs. I 
still don't understand this. I would have thought that if the DNS server was 
not funtioning, all translations would not work. I guess I was wrong about 
that. But, in any case, that's not really on topic, since I now know that the 
problem was not LINUX.

Shlomo Solomon
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