On Mon, Dec 08, 2003 at 06:27:36PM -0200, Gabor Szabo wrote:
> I have not seen it mentioned here (maybe I wasn't looking ?)
> Open question 
> The government claims open-source software means a 60% saving. It doesn't 
> add up.
> Basically it sais that the TCO of Open Source is higher than that of
> propriatery solutions

  In the Israeli there are 2 aspects which are also present else where
but might be more noticeable here:

1. Open Source means a switch from the more traditional way of thinking.
2. Hopefully it will divert money that is now spent outside of Israel,
   for whatever world wide giant, to many small local groups. Which is
   a good thing because that money is likely to circulate locally. It is
   true that those world wide giant have local branches. But trying to
   smoothly balanced the needs of every group in the population is one
   of the government duties. As such, due to its advantages, open source
   can not be completely ruled out. The real question should probably be
   what is the best balance. Conclusion: even if TCO is higher for OS,
   it is worth it.
3. Since software development does not require more then skilled man
   power, it seems natural for the state of Israel. I agree that this is
   a tough business because skilled man power can be also found else
4. I assume that the research was done out of Israel. Which is one more
   reason to ask for the raw data and the full calculation which lead
   the researchers to their end result.

>                       and it because of the "forking problem" it is risky
> to use OS.

  Forking also means that some one tries another way. Forking means that
each head will merge good results out of the other head. Due to its open
nature, forking also let the end user interfere in the end result. It 
also let other people to maintain the old code. 

> It sais that the Government of Israel should not move from MS an
> other propriatery solutions to OS.

  That seems to be going too far. A better conclusion would be the right
balance between propriatery solutions and OS.

  As a side note, by reading this list I get the impression that Globes
is pro MS. Am I right or is it that Globes gets to be mentioned here 
only when it writes pro MS articles?
  If Globes is indeed pro MS, does it also in general tend to the 
capital owners (BAALEY HAHON) opinions?

"If you have an apple and I have  an apple and we  exchange apples then
you and I will still each have  one apple. But  if you have an idea and I
have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two
ideas." -- George Bernard Shaw     (sent by  shaulk @ actcom . net . il)

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