On Mon, Dec 08, 2003 at 06:27:36PM -0200, Gabor Szabo wrote:
> I have not seen it mentioned here (maybe I wasn't looking ?)

The following is from the article:

> Open question 
> The government claims open-source software means a 60% saving. It doesn't 
> add up.
> Basically it sais that the TCO of Open Source is higher than that of
> propriatery solutions and it because of the "forking problem" it is risky
> to use OS.
> It sais that the Government of Israel should not move from MS an
> other propriatery solutions to OS.
> The English version of the article can be found here:
> http://www.globes.co.il/serveen/globes/DocView.asp?did=747399&fid=980

One nice quote from the article:

| So what's wrong with saving money on licensing fees and 5%-8% of TCO
| with a switch to open-source software? The problem is that the costs of
| customization, maintenance and training are usually considerably higher
| under open-source solutions. A study published last year by the research
| firm IDC compared the TCO of an open-source Linux-based server to the
| TCO of Microsoft Windows 2000. The study found that the TCO of Windows
| was lower than the TCO of Linux in four out of five common workload
| scenarios. IDC surveyed 104 medium-sized and large enterprises operating
| in various industries in North America and concluded that, over a
| five-year period, Windows is 11 to 22.5 percent cheaper to own than
| Linux.
| Although Microsoft Corporation commissioned the IDC study, it is
| generally accepted that IDC did not rig the results. IDC has a number of
| large corporate clients and it used the same methodology as in other
| cost-comparison studies that it has performed in the past. Another
| factor that adds credibility to the IDC results is that leading open
| source advocates accept the findings of the study. They acknowledge that
| open-source software cannot currently beat Microsoft on a TCO basis. 

It is certainly widely acceptable. Because MS pays enough people to
accept it. Get real, please. Which "leading open source advocates" has
accepted it as it is? (Some people at Caldera, maybe?)

Anybody with a link to the statement by IDC that basically said "We
rigged too much for Microsoft, and people start to think of us as
dishonest. We'll behave in the future"?

Tzafrir Cohen                       +---------------------------+
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