Internet connectivity is a real issue for Linux users, especially newbies. A few years 
a go it used to be Hebrew support - but that is behind us. Now, almost every second 
question from newbies is "how do I connect to the Internet?" 

And life is tough. ISPs tend to shift towards dialers more and more. There are too 
many guides/scripts/tools and newbies feel lost, and this is even before we mention 
issues with the modem hardware itself. 

The Israeli Internet Connection Wizard (iwiz) is a project that aims to address these 
issues. It created a generic command line tool that allows generating a script based 
on ISP profile, hardware profile and user account profile. It aims to provide a 
generic approach that will work on any distro and with any ISP. 

The tool was developed as part of the GNU/Linux Kinneret project with assistance 
during design from the Linbrew team. While the tool is ready for production, we need 
testing and debugging of the various connection scripts, and this is where we ask for 
the help of the community. 

We need people to try the tool on various configurations and assist in fixing the 
scripts. We need people to help with ideas and guidance if something goes wrong. 
Without the help of the community - iwiz will remain a great idea that might or might 
not work. With your help - it can become a reality that will push Linux use in Israel 
to the next level. 

It doesn't require a lot of your time. If you already connected from Linux to the 
Internet (ADSL or Cables, with a dialer) you already know the basics and probably have 
a reference script that works. All we ask you is to spend a few hours to help test and 
troubleshoot the iwiz system. I trust you will not stand on the lines and let others 
bump into the wall - the more experience you have - the more you can help in less of 
your time. 

Thank you for your time and your assistance. 


p.s. You may communicate success/failures/flame in this mailing list or to me directly 
rather than the forum mentioned below.


Step 1: Pre-requisites 

This short guide will take you through the steps that need to be taken in order to 
participate in the debugging marathon of iwiz. We hope that once this marathon is 
over, new users will find it easier to connect to the Internet from Linux. 

Before we start, some pre-requisites you need to have: 

- Motivation, patience and persistency. As part of the process we are not looking for 
"It doesn't work!!!", "Help:((((", "Urgent!!!!" messages. We know it doesn't work. 
That's why it's called a debugging marathon. We need you to help us making it work so 
that it can benefit the community. Duh? 

- A Linux installation or a Live Linux CD. One word here: the process might change 
existing configuration files. If you don't want that to happen or you don't know how 
to get it fixed, use a live CD. You can (and preferably) use the latest development 
version of GNU/Linux Kinneret that you can download from here: 

- Working ADSL/Cable connection requiring a dialer. That's trivial, but note we don't 
have any way to debug your modem. If you never connected to ADSL/Cable from Linux or 
need any special drivers for the Ethernet or modem we cannot help. If you don't have a 
dialer (but direct connection) you probably don't need iwiz - you can connect simply 
by starting the DHCP client. 

- Basic to advanced knowledge of working in the shell and bash scripting. As a 
minimum, you should feel comfortable running commands from the shell. We won't have 
much time to spend on teaching you do that - in that case thank you but you should 
avoid this marathon. If you know some bash scripting and know how to fix the scripts, 
be blessed. We can use any help we can get. 

- Be prepared to provide a lot of information about your configuration (a good 
preliminary read is and do 
some RTFM if something goes wrong. If you say "it doesn't work" - it doesn't help. We 
need you to be able to play a part in solving the problems, not just reporting them 
since there's no other way we can get this going. 

Step 2: preparations 

If you got here without reading the above, please take the time to read it. No 
exceptions will be made - your cooperation on this matter is important. 

So you know what's expected of you, so let's begin. 

To start you'll need the basic tools to participate in the process. This is the itool 
(internet tool) and the idb (internet database). There are two ways to get that: 

- To download the sources of the latest version of itool and the latest database from and follow the explanations to build it. Note that we 
do not support the iwiz and idial in this test - they are simply enveloped for itool. 

- To download a ready made tarball with idb and a pre-compiled itool. You can grab it 
from and unpack it in the home 
directory with 'tar -zxvf itest'. Once you do that, edit the internet.conf to point to 
the internet_db directory and move it to /etc. You have to do that as root, but we 
assume you know how to do that trick (if not, read again the pre-requisites above). 

You also need to have a dhcp client (either dhcpcd, dhclient or pump). You don't have 
to start it manually - the script will do that. 

Step 3: trying to connect. 

For the next steps, we will assume you are logged in as root, in the iwiz directory, 
have a local 'internet' binary and /etc/internet.conf points to the internet_db 

First, check that everything is configured correctly: 

/internet -l 

You should get a list of supported ISPs. If you don't, check if internet.conf is 
configured properly and the internet_db is in place. If the command won't run, make 
sure it has the execution flag set. 

Next, create a connection: 

/internet -w 

This will run the itool in wizard mode to prompt you for some parameters that are 
needed to set up the connection. You should have no problem understanding and 
answering the questions (now you know why this guide is in English...). 

Once your connection is created (let's assume you assigned the name 'test' to this 
connection), try to connect: 

/internet --extract=connect test 
chmod +x 

The first line extracts the connection script from the connection "test" and saves it 
as a local file. Then we change it to be executable and run it. A good connection 
might look something like this (for cable pptp): 

Killing DHCP client for eth0 
DHCP client pump started successfully. 
No PPtP client running (good) 
Fetching gateway using pump... 
Gateway is 
Adding route via 
remotename option= 
Starting PPtP 
Waiting 20 seconds for IP.Connected ... 
New Gateway: 
Deleting old default route 
Setting default route to 
Fixing resolv.conf 

If all goes well and you don't get any weird messages, try to check if the connection 


If that responds then we're all set. To let us know it works for you, please post a 
message in our forums 
( with 
the following information: 

- The name and version of your distro 
- The DHCP client you use 
- The name of the ISP 
- Connection method (adsl, cable) 
- Modem's name 
- Modem's interface (usb, eth) 

Now you can test the disconnect script: 

/internet --extract=connect test 
chmod +x 

Tip: if the connection works, you can connect with: 

/internet --connect=test 

Without extracting the script itself. 

The reason the "long way" was mentioned earlier is since you'll need to extract the 
script for debugging if something goes wrong. 

Step 4: If things don't work 

First of all, please read the guide explaining the way the tool works (you can grab it 
from either in PDF or Kword format) and read about the 
various configuration files and script templates. 

In general, the tool works by creating several scripts for your specific configured 
connection. These scripts are based on 3 inputs: isp and hardware data files, script 
templates and the inputs you provide for the connection. The "connection" you create 
is simply a tarball with 4 scripts inside. 

So if something doesn't work, you should try to fix the (generated) scripts. If you 
can later also fix the script templates - be blessed. If you can't do that, we'll 
handle this based on your inputs so it is important that you report to us any problem 
you encounter and any fix you make to the generated scripts. 

Even if you're not a master hacker, there are some basic things you can do to see if 
you can fix the problem: 

- Check our forum to see if somebody already reported issues with a similar 
configuration and whether a fix was posted or discussed 

- Try to compare the connection script with your current connection script to see if 
there are any differences, and try to make those changes in the iwiz script. 

- Place printouts throughout the script to find out where the problem starts. Some 
useful commands are echo (e.g. echo "the value of param is $param"), getting network 
information (e.g. ifconfig or netstat -n -r) and making remarks in the script (with #) 

If nothing works, and you still can't connect, please report to us the problem via our 
forum ( 
with the following info: 

- The details as listed at the end of step 3 
- The error messages you got when trying to connect 
- What you tried to do, what works, what doesn't work 
- Any other info you can provide. 

Once you post the message, hopefully somebody will come back to you with further 
instructions and ideas. 

Step 5: Some tips for debugging 

Here are some ideas if something gets wrong: 

- Try to place a few printouts throughout the script to identify where the error 
message comes from. The scripts do print some messages but you may want to "zoom in" 
to identify the place of failure. 

For example: 

echo "step 1:" 

- Once you know which command fails, force the script to finish at that point by 
placing the following command after the offending line: 


- Before the offending line, print all the variables used by the command. For example, 
if pptp fails and it uses $CABLEGW, print the value: 

echo "$CABLEGW" 

- once you know the value, you may find out it has a bad value, and you can compare 
the way the command is called with the respective command in the script you use to 
regularly connect. If there are differences in parameters, try to understand what they 
do and slowly change the command to fit the way it should be until you find out what 
is missing to make it work. 

If you find out the problem, please report it to us with all the details as noted 
before. If you don't give us as much info as you can (e.g. the offending line, values 
of parameters, error messages etc.) and we'll try to brainstorm together what to do. 

Thanks for your help!



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