On Sat, 3 Apr 2004, guy keren wrote:

> > We already have CD's of RH 8 and RH9 at the office. We expect to see
> > both of them at customer
> > sites.
> from stability point of view, you should install RH 9.0 - but it's a "dead
> goat" because of redhat's recent moves.
> i got my PC installed with fedora (fedora core I - with the patches that
> were available from redhat at the time). i use it for java development
> (althought i don't use an IDE yet...) and it works mostly stable. it's
> overloaded since i run on it something that was planned to be run on 3-4
> different machines, but it did not crash on me yet.
> it's open-office seems to be the version that doesn't support hebrew
> (althought i think it should - i think it's version 1.1.0 or soemthing
> similar - perhaps this is just a fonts problem?), but it shows the
> english documents written inside the company quite ok (until there are
> drawings in the documents - that's where it 'squashes' the drawing onto
> the text). i use mozilla for surfing, since i was too lazy to get a
> different browser there.
> since the machine has a pentium 4 with hyper-threading, i installed an SMP
> kernel and it now runs with '2 CPUs' - does windows XP does this
> out ofthe box, by the way? (i don't know since i didn't check).
> i was somewhat skeptic about finding RPMs for redora, or running
> commercial applications - but at least some things seem to work (such as
> vmware). i didn't yet manage to get the Java IDE (Idea's IntelliJ) running
> on it - thought i didn't try realy hard.
> i don't use any C++ IDE either - by my room-mate, which also runs fedora
> on his desktop, runs both IntelliJ (Java) and anjuta (C/C++) on his fedora
> with no noticeable problems.
> > I should also be careful not to setup something too shaky if I want to
> > convicne them to switch the
> > entire office to Linux desktops.
> why do you want to do that? people should stick with what gives them their
> pleasure - unless this is an "everyone must have the same platform" kind
> of office.
> as for the issue of developing on windows and deploying on Unix - i've
> seen that somewhere, and that was part of what kept me away from that
> place...
> --
> guy
> "For world domination - press 1,
>  or dial0, and please hold, for the creator." -- nob o. dy
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