Nadav Har'El wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 12, 2004, Ira Abramov wrote about "Re: HTTP body capture with LiveHTTP 
> Headers ?":
> > you could probably record the entire stream of an HTTP session by using
> > netcat as a "proxy". however for SSL sessions you need to know the
> > server key. Mercury has a product that does that, it was developped by
> > one Adi Stav who is probably not on the list these days. he was thinking
> > about rewriting this code under GPL but this has not happend yet AFAIK.
> The product you describe might be useful while debugging the *server*,
> when you might have a copy of its key. It is not very useful when you're
> trying to debug a client (e.g., develop a script which automates the use of
> some site), and you don't have a key.
> A proxy-like solution can be used, however: the proxy can act as a terminator
> for both sides, checking the authenticity of the server, but presenting its
> own key to the client. In this case the client needs to recognize this proxy
> key as a valid one (for all sites), but this should be easy to do. I don't
> know if any available web-proxies can be easily set up to perform this sort
> of "man in the middle" task.

It's true only for reverse proxy, because a forward proxy already gets
a CONNECT request in the first time, and can't do anything with it
(except for being a "tunnel" that can't read the encrypted traffic it

As to reverse proxy, it is supported under Apache. In the beginning, it
required you to compile mod_ssl with the EXPERIMENTAL flag, but now,
with Apache 2, it is standard and doesn't require any special
compilation in order to work (see the SSLProxyEngine directive for more

I don't have any clue regarding Squid.

Eli Marmor
CTO, Founder
Netmask (El-Mar) Internet Technologies Ltd.
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