Shachar Shemesh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi list,
> I'm trying to create my own initrd for specific custom
> circumstances. As a part of these special circumstances, I wish the
> "linuxrc" script to perform the actual mounting of the new root
> filesystem. I'm a bit at a loss as to how to go about actually doing
> it, however.
> If I specify that "root=/dev/ram0", then linuxrc isn't run at all. If
> I say anything else, it is going to try and mount the new root system
> itself, and fail (as it is already mounted). Does anyone know how to
> disable this "help" I'm receiving from the os here?
>              Shachar

It would help if you posted your linuxrc here (I realize that the
actual linuxrc may be confidential, but can you reduce it to the bare
minimum that still manifests the problem?).

Are you using pivot_root(8) - what linuxrc normally does - or
something else? Guessing wildly, there is a filesystem already mounted
on put_old by the time linuxrc gets to its own pivot_root - you need
to avoid that. 

I may be really off the mark without seeing the script.

Oleg Goldshmidt | [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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