Gaal Yahas wrote on 2004-08-14:

>  * Web UI design and programming
>  * Perl
>  * Databases
>  * Natural language processing (NLP)
>  * Search engines
This list seems to lack one direction: typesetting.  It would be very
nice to offer the works in a format that can be printed out at high
quality (i.e. PDF, probably produced with TeX).

I won't currently volunteer (I don't now have enough spare time to
make any promise reliably) but I'd happy to assist if you post any
specific problem.  I think many people would be able to help at times
("given enough eyeballs, all problems are shallow") even if they don't
volunteer up-front.  I believe that you should periodically keep
ivrix-discuss and/or linux-il updated on what you are doing and what
are the technical challenges.  Or post a URL where people could
monitor your technical progress.  Or instructoins for subscribing to
your mailing list.

Beni Cherniavsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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