Is shaba a hardware or software implementation?
Have you heard of a shaba server I can connect to that will do the query for me?

On Wed, 20 Oct 2004 12:22:28 +0200, ik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wednesday 20 October 2004 09:47, Lior Kesos wrote:
> > Hello List.
> > I helped a friend of mine implement an electronic shop selling small
> > electronics using oscommerce.
> > After talking with some credit companies the shop owner decided to
> > receive the order but then call up the credit card company and give a
> > phone based order.
> > What would it take to fully automate the credit charging procedure?
> > He already has SSL so the security point of view is taken care of (at
> > least at the basic level).
> > All my googling has brought me to commercial applications or other
> > eshop solutions.
> > Obviously I'm looking for the open source or open source friendly solution ...
> > Has anybody implemented an oscommerce/zencart + automatic charging scenario.
> >
> > regards -
> You need some type of SHBA implementation.
> SHBA = Sherut Bankai Automati
> It have all the rules of Credit cards that it can accept, and on X amount it will 
> call the bank and check if the user can pay the amount
> of the product he wish to buy, and if so you can accept the sell.
> I do not know of OSS solution for this, but then again, I never looked for one.
> Ido
> --
> A real friend isn't someone you use once and then throw away.
> A real friend is someone you can use over and over again.

Peace Love and Penguins -
Lior Kesos

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