Hello Aaron,
I think that you need a script or an application, which reads the XML
file and parses it.
Once you get the text of tags from the XML parser, you'll have to parse
it yourself and create the output file from the information in it.

There are standard XML parsers in several programming and scripting
languages.  Look for the terms SAX and DOM when reading documentation.

The parsers recognize all elements of the XML files (including tags

It is easy to parse your own text in scrpting languages like Python and

Contact me off-list if you need more help.
                                                --- Omer

On Thu, 2004-11-11 at 11:24, Aaron wrote:
> HI all,
> I am using an xml dialect which has been used for data interchange and
> no one has used it to create output.
> I need to either take content in tags and call a font or tranfer it to
> svg and output it as grphics/fonts.
> I have no idea where to begin: the problem is that a b c etc. (ascii) is
> used to represent something totally not text, as though an a would out
> put a certain graphic and b a different graphic etc.
> If anyone has xml expertise and could contact me (I assume off-list) I
> would most appreciate it.
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