On Wed, 24 Nov 2004, Ira Abramov wrote:

> Quoting Hetz Ben Hamo, from the post of Wed, 24 Nov:
> > Doing a quick check I can see that (tested with firefox 1.0, Win XP, under 
> > QEMU)
> > 
> > * www.bankleumi.co.il (Bank Leumi) - works with firefox 
> > * www.yashir1.co.il (Hayashir Harishon) - works with firefox
> you tried all the functions, including logging in to the web interfaces
> from customers? displaying the front page is not big deal. let's see you
> trying to search for branches, logging in to see an account report, etc.

Logging to an account does not work in Mozilla or Firefox on Leumi. They 
have a workaround of using the old interface, but it is too limited.

As an aside, The site does work in Konqueror 3.3 (at least the one in 

Matan Ziv-Av.                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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