Recently I have been experiencing very frequent lock-ups of my PC.  I
had to press the RESET button to release the lockup.  When the lockup
occurs, neither the keyboard nor the mouse respond.

My software configuration:
Kernel:  2.6.8-1-686
pptp-linux 1.5.0-4
pptpd      1.2.1-2
xfree86    4.3.0.dfsg.1-8
Mozilla    1.7.3-5
evolution  1.4.6-5
epiphany   1.2.9-2
iptables   1.2.11-8

The lockup usually occurs when I click on the window of an application
(usually both Mozilla, evolution and epiphany are open as well as GNOME
Terminal 2.6.1, on Gnome desktop).

When the lockup occurs, the PC (which has two network cards) also ceases
to route packets between the ADSL modem and the intranet.  So the
problem does not affect only the X-Window server.

I found nothing useful in /var/log files.  I tried top -b > ~/tmp/xxx &
and there were no hints in the resulting xxx file (which was only 9.3MB
long when the last lockup happened).

df and df -i both exhibit plenty of free space and inodes.
Swap space is not used at all (the PC has 512MB memory, of which 410MB
are in use at this moment).

The recent rise in frequency of lockups hints at some persistent
resource depletion, but I do not see any obvious depletion of persistent

Any clues?
Is it a known problem of kernel 2.6.8 (after having been patched by
What can I do to trap the failure which causes the kernel to lockup?
                                        --- Omer
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