Alon Altman wrote:

Bank HaPoalim works fine for me in Mozilla. What problems did you notice?

There are problems with certain functionalities.

For example, when doing a fund transfer, if you select "Bank Hapoalim" as the target bank, the "Shem Mutav" field should disappear. On Mozilla, it doesn't. More over, if you focus this field, it'll cause an endless loop of message boxes saying something along the lines of "Shem Mutav not required for this bank".

There are other functionalities of the site which simply don't work on Mozilla.

Regardless, expect the site's menus to be *always* reversed (no matter how many times you press Reload) on Mozilla 1.8, ever since bug 246700 was fixed.

For more detailed info, everyone is invited to track this bug:
(No need to vote on this -- The way to influence it to talk to the bank.)

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