Quoting Offer Kaye, from the post of Sun, 23 Jan:
> > sorry, 
> No you're not, not really. You feel I'm attacking your favourite OS
> (I'm not)

attack at will. I'd like to think I'm a reasonable man and I can see the
same faults as you do. However you started this entire thread with
complaints about why this is not more like windows.

btw, I don't see you attacking an OS (much less my favorite), you are
attacking the configuration mode for a brain-damaging graphic

> , but instead of replying on technical grounds, you're
> attacking me personally...

did I now? I thought I gave you the complete solution sans the propper
bash script to seal the deal.

> > you started with the uninteligent sarcasm first...
> 1. I wasn't being sarcastic, I was ranting. There's a big difference -
> check a dictionary.

What do you call the following then?

> I even expected it to be available from the settings winow you get by
> right-clicking the desktop and choosing "properties". Silly me, I
> wonder where I got that strange notion...

If you did expect it, you are using the wrong work environment.
if you didn't expect it... then why did you write this? Silly me, I
thought I would know sarcasm when I saw it.

> 2. I don't know you Ira, and I don't think you know me. Who are you to
> say I'm unintelligent?

Well, I wouldn't say unintelligent, just not a very good reader. I said
you used unintelligent sarcasm, i.e. your sarcasm was unintelligent in
that specific paragraph. not you, not your day-to-day sarcasm.
Extrapolating from that about my opinions of you is a futile argument
and an excercise in starting an argument.

1. You don't read good (that's a Zoolander joke)
2. And you are trying to pick a fight with a guy who gave you a cynical but
technicly correct answer.

None of the above say you are unintelligent, but any titles you may give
yourself will probably not win any disagreement from me at this point.

> You know nothing about me, or what I know. Oh,
> and BTW, it's spelled "unintelligent", not "uninteligent". I refer you
> to one of them new-fangled dictionary things again...

Do you know the difference between a typo and a misspell?
Email spellers take up valuable time. I'm quite sure I'm understood well
enough without one. You certainly make me feel like I wasted too much
time on answering you in the first place.

> I already did it maunally. If you want, I can write a Perl script that
> does it in 1 line. Let me know if you want it.

4 lines in bash will be understandable.
1 line in perl will be barely readable.
But a real hacker would do it in 1/2 a line.

> based on your abusive, overbearing and arrogant reply, I'm not sure I
> want your respect.

None offered, worry not.

One man revolution
Ira Abramov

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