On Mon, 24 Jan 2005 01:03:13 +0200, Ira Abramov wrote:
> 2. And you are trying to pick a fight with a guy who gave you a cynical but 
> technicly 
> correct answer.

"cynical"? B.S. 
You used degrading and inflamatory language in several places
("unintelligent" and "silly" are two examples). Your entire email was
intended to "put me in my place" as a user, not to answer me on a
technical level. You are the worst kind of Linux user - the kind who
has made many potential Linux users turn back to that other OS because
they were insulted and reviled just for asking questions by someone
like you in some mailing list.
Thankfully, as the rest of the emails in this thread show, there is
another breed of Linux users in this community, and I intend to
continue learning from their good example, not from yours.

Offer Kaye

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