On Fri, Jan 28, 2005 at 01:00:32PM +0200, Leonid Podolny wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Quoting today's issue of LWN.net (http://lwn.net/Articles/119063/):
> "If you are a Linux Device Drivers, Third Edition reader looking for
> information on changes since the book was published: LDD3 covers version
> 2.6.10 of the kernel, so only the changes starting with 2.6.11 are
> relevant."
> I wasn't aware of the third edition being out yet, so I went to Amazon
> and OReilly.com, and apparently they are not aware of it, either. Any
> idea what's going on?

  I believe you can order it at
According to this page, the book will be out at the end of Feb.

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