Gilad Ben-Yossef wrote:

Michael Ben-Nes wrote:

Today i heard of Centos, I heard its amazing and that its equal to RH commercial versions.

Considering it is a recompilation of the RedHat Enterprise line code, "equal" isn't the right word here. Try "identical".

I wouldn't say it's identical- it aims to be identical but to rebuild all the packages without having the exact same build environment is not going to give you the same packages. For the most part, though, I would say that you're right- chances are you won't notice the difference.


I'm taking about the programs only of course, there is no Redhat support for Centos. Whether that is actually a plus or a minus I leave as an excersize to the alert reader... :-)

How good is it ? Any one can tell me more ?

Never used it myself but since it's the exact code sans support and logo what there is to tell?


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