On Fri, 2005-05-20 at 16:07 +0300, Ori Idan wrote:
> I installed debian on an IBM thinkpad with LILO as it's boot loader,
> when LILO starts is says: Loading Linux and then draws dots for few
> seconds and then says BIOS check successfull and start to actualy load
> the kernel.
> Is there a way to shorten the time it draws these dots?\

Is GRUB an option?
I use GRUB on my IBM ThinkPad and this part of the boot process proceeds
at satisfactory rate.

> What is this stage anyway?

How many dots does LILO draw on the screen before announcement of the
success of the BIOS check?

I remember having seen dots when booting Linux from diskette with LILO
and kernel.  I do not know what it is about BIOS check.  Can you quote
the exact text of LILO messages?
                                                     --- Omer
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