On Fri, May 20, 2005 at 12:52:05PM +0300, Tzafrir Cohen wrote:
> On Fri, May 20, 2005 at 11:51:41AM +0300, avraham wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I am in the process of translating some very old files into LaTeX. 
> > One of these is a list of cake recipes, written initially with an
> > early version of Einstein, the transferred to WordPerfect 5.2 for
> > DOS, where some more recipes were added. 
> Wow, so much time has past since I used those...
> > Most of it is in Hebrew,
> > whith some recipes in English and German.
> > OK. After saving the WP file(s) in DOS format, converting the
> > Dos-Hebrew encoding to the present, 
> (I would use UTF-8 for everything).
> > checking for a couple of
> > characters which have special meaning in LaTeX and dealing with
> > them, I added a preamble and an \end{document} statement and
> > attempted to eLaTeX it.
> Cool :-)
> Any chance you could write those commands as a script, for reference?
> > For a document with such ancient and complicated history the
> > number of protests I got was surprizingly small: after commenting
> > out less than 10 lines (out of more than 3000) I had a legible
> > dvi file.
> > In all these cases I had to retype the line. Apparenly there were
> > some unprintable characters that did not agree with LaTeX.
> > 1-I was not able to detect these characters with :set list in
> > vim. I tried "cat -A of the commented-out lines, but as these
> > were Hebrew text, the output was not really helpful.
> > Any clever suggestion ?
> You do use a decent locale, don't you?
> > 2-In the dvi file I could see a number of cases where numbers or
> > parantheses had come out the wrong way around (not always, mind
> > you, that would have been easy to correct). The problem is to
> > spot these in the source file, when these occur in the middle of
> > the Hebrew text.
> > On my box (Debian testing, locale=C)
> Aparantly , not.
> > , the only way I found to
> > write Hebrew on the querry/command line of vim is to enter input
> > mode, type in the Hebrew string somewhere in the window and then
> > take it with the mouse and paste it on the command line. I assume
> > there are better ways: Your advice ?
> > I am interested to keep the locale=C for general work, 
> Why?
> > but I
> > understand that I can type in: locale=HE_IS; 
> he_IL? he_IL.UTF-8 ?
> > vim, to operate vim
> > with locale hebrew (if this helps at all).
> > Thanks, Avraham
> I haven't quite figured out how to correctly override vim's fileencoding
> from the command-line.
> See also luit .
> -- 
> Tzafrir Cohen         | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | VIM is
> http://tzafrir.org.il |                           | a Mutt's  
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] |                           |  best
> ICQ# 16849755         |                           | friend
> =================================================================
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Hi Tzafrir,
1-It's the second time that in your answer to meyou recommend to use
UTF-8. It's really high time for me to understand איך אוכלים את
זה, at the very least.
Can you send some pointer(s) ?
2-Most of my work is done in English and I understand very little
of the localisation philosophy. I am therefore affraid that by
(improperly) setting some other locale I might run in troubles
with my main work.
3-I would be glad to describe more exactly the procedure, either
in a script or as a recipe. This list has helped me repeatedly
and I would like to return a token, according to my ability: It
is not agreeable to be always at the receiving end. 
If I am able to read and understand the basics of the UTF-8
encoding, quickly, I shall postpone my answer until I have done
that. With the present locale, the form of the substitutionc ommands 
tend to be pretty complicated because of the need to trat
differenly lines in Hebrew and text containing English.
4-From a quick look in google it seems that luit can be found on
a live CD. That may make a very quick try possible.

Thank you very much for your help, Avraham

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