Shlomi Fish wrote:
On Wednesday 25 May 2005 02:56, Oron Peled wrote:
because traditional copyright law does not allow the copyright
holder to prohibit someone for doing that with a public work.
Ok, let's go REALLY traditional:

	"the author and authors of any map, chart, book or books already
	printed within these United States, being a citizen or citizens
	thereof....shall have the sole right and liberty of printing,
	reprinting, publishing and vending such map, chart, book or


Hmmmm... no mention of non-commercial copying or re-distribution.

"Printing" is making an original, whether commercial or non-commercial
"Reprinting" is copying, whether commercial or non-commercial
"Publishing" is distribution, whether commercial or non-commercial
"Vending" is selling

Oron's point being that the first-sale doctrine is less traditional then complete control over copying and distribution of the work.

Now can you please, please stop your willfull misunderstanding of texts? Because continuing makes you seem, as Oron said, like a troll.
Now, please Shlomi, go and read some real law documents so we
can focus on the real problems (e.g: "eternal" copyrights,
patents on generic ideas [e.g: software], etc.)


Lawsuits against file swappers are a real problem.
But as everybody here said, they are not Hamakor's problem.


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