On Wed, Sep 07, 2005 at 07:04:56AM +0300, guy keren wrote:

> i'll have to check linux compatibility and shipment issues, and then
> choose between this ebox-3850PS and the nimble-v5, most likely. according
> to the FAQ, the most modern distributions will pause a little challenge to
> install on non-Nehemia VIA CPUs.. what's the deal with these biblical
> names, anyway (Nehemia, Ezra, Esther, Eden...)?

They are from a company called VIA from Tiawan. The owner is a born again
CHristian. I DO NOT RECOMMEND USING THEM. Not because of his religon, but
because of their business practices. 

In my experience they outright lie about power consumption and heat output.
They often DO NOT release open source drivers for their chips and you are
stuck using a particular version of the Kernel for their binaries. One release
of their video driver was for a Kernel that came as an update to dead rat 9.

Unfortunatley that update had problems and was available for download for a
few weeks. If you were trying to use it, you had to "fake out" the mechanism
that detected the Kernel version and often it did not "work right".

If you want to get a copy of the source code, not only do you have to
sign an NDA, but you have to conract a "strategic alliance" with them.
If they don't like what you are doing or already have alied themselves
with a company that will compete with you, they will not work with you. 


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