On Mon, Oct 10, 2005 at 10:37:44AM +0200, Michael Green wrote:

> IE for OSX is not being developed anymore. AFAIK current (last) version is 
> 5.2.
> MS Office doesn't include all of the components of MS Office for Win
> (no Access, no  Outlook). Hebrew support in MS Office doesn't exist.
> Not a quality replacement for Windows Office imho. However if you can
> get along without hebrew support and without Access that will probably
> be fine with you.

Not true. I have a friend that is writing a book with Office 2004 on
his Mac. He mixes Hebrew, Arabic, English and several other languages
in his text. 

I use OO (actually the Java front end NeoOffice/J) for small Hebrew
tasks, such as a grocery order. But that's the limit of my Hebrew anyway.


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