On Mon, Nov 07, 2005 at 11:49:51AM +0200, Shlomi Fish wrote:
> Check:
> http://www.petitiononline.com/nvfoss/petition.html
> for a petition I set up for Nvidia to release open-source drivers.
> Please sign it, and help spread the word.

How many people read it and commented before spreading it?

My own quick comments:
1. I wouldn't use the verb "request". Maybe "ask" or something softer.
They do not owe you anything. Also no "as soon as possible".
2. Not "X-Window". The X manpage specifically asks that you call it
either "X" or "X Window System" (and some other versions).
3. I wouldn't use this petition to laugh at Windows.
4. I am not sure I would give them business suggestions about how to
solve their IP problems. There are also other options - e.g. to ask
that they release only the parts they own, at least for a start.
5. There is no need to mention you intend to reverse-engineer it,
IMHO. This isn't a threat, but a petition.

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