Hi all,

I am trying to set midi no my laptop using midi howtos. It has an ESS Maestro 3 ES1983s sound card. I can here music. I tried to check if this card is supported in http://www.4front-tech.com/osshw.html It seems in general that the card is supported but I didn't find ES1093s specifically. I configured the kernel to have oss and midi loopback (modules sound.o and v_midi.o) and I get kmid to start (before that it said it can't open /dev/sequencer) but I can't here anything. I also do not have the file /dev/sndstat nor anything associated to sound in /proc. Eventually I understood I should have a sequencer installed and that it has to do with the midi loopback. I installed lmuse. All in vain. I think in Microsoft all that would have been avoided (not that I think that that is a reason to shift to XP).


David Harel,


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