Offer Kaye wrote:
There's *no way* to go from a simplistic "search and replace" of
single words (or very short/simple phrases) to a full blown
translation software. There's no "improvement" you could make that
would make such a methodology work for complete sentences in a real
language. .Anyone who tells you otherwise is trying to sell you

You first need to come up with a working method, then find a way to
implement it. You can't try to start with a naive "list of words to
replace" and expand that to translating complete sentences.

I want to start with a simple algorithm and improve it with time.  If a
better algorithm is found or developed, it can completely replace the
initial algorithm.  But I want to start with something, and something
which is not too difficult to implement.

As for maintaining *lists of sentences* to translate.... dude, are you nuts? ;-)

It will not contain every sentence in the world.  But it can remember
specific sentences of texts which were previously translated.  If the
same sentence will be found again, the same translation will be used.

But the main focus is words and phrases, and not sentences.

Finally, since you mentioned Wikipedia, here are some useful links:
See especially the section on "Free (open source) software" for
existing efforts where you might be able to help.
A more general article regarding translation:

Very interesting.  Thanks for the links.  I'm glad I wrote this mailing
list - I received many useful comments.

I also read the article "Translation memory"
[] (linked from the
articles you sent me).  I think the term "Translation memory" describes
what I want to do: I want to create a huge translation memory database
of many languages, which will be used to translate texts from one
language to another.  It's data will come from volunteers all over the
world.  This translation memory database will be used together with
other methods to translate texts.  The more words and phrases there are
in this translation memory database, the better the quality of the
translation will be.  And it will be big if many people will contribute
to it.  Compare to Wikipedia as an encyclopedia.

Best Regards,

Uri Even-Chen
Speedy Net
Raanana, Israel.

Phone: +972-9-7715013

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