Ok, so this has nothing to do with Linux but I figure if anyone can
answer this question about computer software in Israel, its all of you :)

I am a legal user of Babylon Translator.  My license is close to
expiration.  Today I received an e-mail from their sales department
saying that my license is being illegally used on several computers.  If
I renew my license in the next week, they'll "forget about it", and if I
don't, they will take "the necessary action".

I'm no legal expert, but I'm pretty sure that in the US atleast,
collecting personally identifiable information without express consent
is illegal.  Making legal threats that can't be backed up (i.e. if the
means used to collect the info is illegal), is illegal.  Both of these
are adequate grounds for a class action suit against the company
involved.  In any event, trying to get your users to renew their
licenses by threatening them is dubious at best.

I had a look at the EULA of the version I installed, and at the privacy
statement on their website.  Both have very loosely defined clauses
which could legitimize what they are doing.  I don't think it would hold
up in a US court but I have no idea how Israel works.  I do know that
false threats in Israel are illegal (like when the IBA forced people to
pay their TV licenses by threatening to impound their cars, were sued
and had to return all the money plus damages).

Is my best bet to simply renew my license?  I was going to do this
anyway, but i DO NOT appreciate threatening emails bullying me into
making a purchase.

Or is this worth pursuing?  not that I have spare cash for legal
battles, but... you know.

Thank you!



The e-mail I received: http://wastelands.net/dragon/babylon.html

The EULA I agreed to: http://wastelands.net/dragon/babylon-eula.txt

Babylon privacy statement:

>From the above EULA:

"IMPORTANT NOTE: For the removal of doubt, Babylon.Com may send to
Licensee’s hard disk, from time to time, instructions, such as pings and
other commands, which allow Babylon.Com to terminate the use or
operation of the Product. In addition, Babylon.Com may use cookies
during the purchase process and the use of the Product by You. "


>From the privacy statement:

"b. Babylon checks for the following information when using Babylon
software: your operating system, Babylon Software version, browser
version, connectivity, and information regarding your use and the
configuration of the Babylon Software ("Parameters") . Parameters are
collected in order to provide you with the Software and Services subject
to the provisions of this privacy policy hereof and of the Babylon's
License Agreement (the "License"), as well as in order to verify that
the terms and conditions of the License are not being violated;"

"c. Babylon gathers information related to our users' use of the our
Software (''Usage Patterns'') to better understand how such users, as a
group, use the software and the various features thereof, as well as to
help Babylon tailor offerings to user groups with specific profiles, and
to conduct market research. The Parameters and the Usage Patterns may be
used in the aggregate for commercial purposes, including without
limitation, for marketing, co-registration to other services,
promotional activities or any other activity, including, without
limitation, the protection of Babylon's proprietary and other rights all
subject to the provisions herein."

Gadi Cohen aka Kinslayer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> www.wastelands.net
Freelance admin/coding/design HABONIM DROR linux/fantasy enthusiast
KeyID 0x93F26EF5: 256A 1FC7 AA2B 6A8F 1D9B 6A5A 4403 F34B 93F2 6EF5

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