On Sun, Mar 26, 2006, Yonah Russ wrote about "Fwd: HTML/CSS font sizes":
> But zooming is not the only way people deal with web pages they view. It is
> very narrow minded to think that way. I hardly think that PDF is a format to
> be so amazed with. With proper web design you can do amazing things with
> your information. You can control the way a site is presented over various

I think this is a very important point to remember.

For example, something that often happens to me (and I have pretty normal
vision...) with PDFs is that I "zoom in" to get the text larger on the screen,
but then, a full page (a concept which is central to PDF but luckily not to
HTML) doesn't fit on the screen, and then I need to start scrolling
horizontally and vertically to see the full page. It's so much easier for
me to view a long HTML page...

The problem is that PDF is great for making exact copies of what the author
intended (e.g., print an article exactly like the one the author printed on
his printer). HTML is great for showing content in the way the *viewer*
intended (allowing him or her to change the font size, the window size,
and so on).

Nadav Har'El                        |        Sunday, Mar 26 2006, 26 Adar 5766
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