Quoting Michael Jaffe, from the post of Fri, 22 Sep:
> After setting up a chroot jail, two problems arose:
> 1) In graphical mode, I am not able to login under any username except root

and you DO have other users in the chroot's shadow and passwd files?

> 2) In terminal mode, whenever I try to execute the "login" command, the shell 
> closes

describe that, please? because sounds like you really want to run "su".
login will stop to ask for a password, that's what it does, and it's not
your bash exiting, it's a fork. if you exit "login" you will get your
propmt again.

> I tried using the following command under root to reset chroot
>   chroot /

won't work, that's why it's called a chroot JAIL. it can only be set
DOWN the tree, not back up.

Informed and dangerous
Ira Abramov

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