On Fri, Sep 22, 2006 at 12:49:18AM +0300, Oded Arbel wrote:
> --=-uEA6EYo52oxs/+4ni8Zq
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> On Thu, 2006-09-21 at 10:04 +0300, David Suna wrote:
> > I am purchasing a new computer and will be setting it up from scratch.  
> > Until now I have been using RedHat releases however I have read a lot 
> > about newer distributions (i.e Ubuntu etc.)  I would like to get 
> > recommendations for what would be the best distribution for my needs.
> > 
> > 
> > This machine will be an internal server for a SOHO setup.  
> > The main criteria for me is that the system should "just work" and be 
> > easy to maintain.
> Unlike some people, I would recommend going with something rather more
> modern then Debian stable. The main problem with Debian stable is while
> it is stable (which is great for serious production work by trained
> professionals), its is rather old, 

(Though not as old as RHEL4/CentOS4)

-- Tzafrir

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