perhaps what you need to do is to delete the old gateway using a script like 
so (it was customized for me and the bugs i used to get in my old dist, so it 
is not state of the art but...):
TODEL=`/sbin/route -n|/bin/grep eth1|/bin/grep UG|/usr/bin/cut -c"17-32"`
/sbin/route -n |/bin/grep $TODEL 2>&1 >/dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ]; then
        /sbin/route del -net gw $TODEL netmask dev eth1&

and then add the right gateway like so:
/sbin/route add default gw $NEWGW

On Thursday 28 September 2006 00:20, you wrote:
> I just switched from using adsl to cable (hot + barak) but I seem to be
> having
> problems setting up the connection.
> I couldn't find any l2tp client for debian (l2tpd seems to be a server and
> not
> a client).
> I did setup pptp. Eth0 comes up and gets an address using dhclient. At this
> point I can resolve ip address (ping find the ip address). I can also surf
> to
> the hot website. I then bring up ppp0 which comes up and gets an address.
> The
> default gw still points to the modem instead of the other side of the ppp
> connection and I can't surf. IPs are still resolved but very slowly.
> Changing
> the default gw doesn't help either.
> The modem is a terayon, the provider is barak, the windows connection uses
> l2tp and runs fine.
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