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I had I nice dual boot system that included Windows XP and Fedora Core 5.
I got the Fedora Core 6 disk that came out last Thursday.  During the upgrade 
process, I selected the option Upgrade GRUB, which is supposed to leave 
everything else untouched.  Now, I can't access the Windows partitions and when 
my computer boots, it keeps looping around the RAM check.

I have reason to believe that the data on the partitions, other than the linux 
system software, hasn't been touched.  Is there some way to recover the files I 
have on these partitions?


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I had I nice dual boot system that included Windows XP and Fedora Core 5.<br>I 
got the Fedora Core 6 disk that came out last Thursday.&nbsp; During the 
upgrade process, I selected the option Upgrade GRUB, which is supposed to leave 
everything else untouched.&nbsp; Now, I can't access the Windows partitions and 
when my computer boots, it keeps looping around the RAM check.<br><br>I have 
reason to believe that the data on the partitions, other than the linux system 
software, hasn't been touched.&nbsp; Is there some way to recover the files I 
have on these partitions?<br><br>Thanks.<br>Michael<br><p>&#32;

<font color="666666"><font size="2"><hr size=1>Sponsored 
Link</font></font><br><br>Mortgage rates near 39yr lows. $510,000 Mortgage for 
$1,698/mo -   
 new house payment</a>

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