
Just small remark..

A few years ago a new Linux distribution came along. It was called
"Lindows", and it promised to use Wine in order to run your existing
Windows applications on it. A couple of years later the company decided
that Wine was not getting there, and stopped sponsoring any more work on
it. Is that also an evil thing to do?

Actually this was a pure hype from the Lindows sales team (and Michael
Robertson) to run your existing apps.
I personally bought a copy of Lindows as soon as it was available,
just to check things out.
After downloading the ISO and installing it, I started to look at the
scripts inside, up and down, left and right - in all the migration and
the wine installation stuff, and guess what I found? it was only
supported Office 97,XP and Quicken.
Few months later, I talked to Jeremy White (CEO of CodeWeavers), and
he told me that according to their agreement with Lindows, all
CodeWeavers agreed to was to hack wine so you could install and user
Office 97, XP (and not all the parts!)and maybe one or two more
applications (specifically Quicken), and that was their contract.
Nothing more and nothing less. They NEVER promised to let you run all
your existed applications in your windows partition.

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