On 19/01/07, Oron Peled <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Friday, 19 בJanuary 2007 00:22, Dotan Cohen wrote:
> I was thinking along the lines of log files filling up


> and dns cache files filling up.

What dns cache files? AFAIK, named(8) has a memory cache only.
[even if it did have disk cache, isn't simpler to trim cache files
 than reinstall your operating system :-O

I'm not so good at CS- non of us Mechanical ENgineering types are :) I
just figured that if things were slowing down the likelyhood of the
problem being on my end of the cable was greater.

Now let's assume that I'm wrong. So I'll call Actocom and tell them:
"Hi Actom, Dotan speaking. I have no benchmark figures other than
Shimi's speed test to go by, but I think that my net connection is
slower than usual. Actually, Shimi's says that it's the same as it
always was. I think that I'm experiencing latency. Please fix"

And Alex (or Sergei, or Boris) will say:
"Everything is fine with our systems, must be something with your computer"

And being how I know not so much about networks, and therefore can
bring no smart argument, I'll say "OK, thanks".

So, what CAN I tell them? I need a smart argument, not a "well I think
it's slower" argument. Better yet, what can I check to PROVE that
there is a problem on their end?


Dotan Cohen


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