
Use shell globbing, like
`echo *'

Gilboa Davara wrote:
> On Mon, 2007-02-12 at 15:56 +0200, Maxim Veksler wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Someone at work told me that doing "du -a <DIR>|grep <FILE>" is faster
>> then "find <DIR>|grep <FILE>". I've measured, it doesn't looks quite
>> so. It did OTOH got me wondering what's the quickest way to answer if
>> file existed in a hierarchy of directories.
>> Assuming I'm not interested in any information besides the answer if
>> file existing or not. I would only need to access the directory
>> listing and not the inode of each file, right? Is there some utility
>> that can do this very simple search efficiently?
> What about $ file -name <FILE> ?
> - Gilboa
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