On 2/12/07, Shlomi Fish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Monday 12 February 2007, Maxim Veksler wrote:
> Hi,
> Someone at work told me that doing "du -a <DIR>|grep <FILE>" is faster
> then "find <DIR>|grep <FILE>". I've measured, it doesn't looks quite
> so. It did OTOH got me wondering what's the quickest way to answer if
> file existed in a hierarchy of directories.
> Assuming I'm not interested in any information besides the answer if
> file existing or not. I would only need to access the directory
> listing and not the inode of each file, right? Is there some utility
> that can do this very simple search efficiently?

Why not use a find predicate for that?

Well... laziness.

I find "find|grep" be a much simpler to type then "find . -name XYZ
[-noleaf] -quit"


        Shlomi Fish


Maxim Veksler

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