On Friday, 16 בFebruary 2007 02:35, Amos Shapira wrote:
> thefreecountry.com lists a few free C/C++ compilers, including a free
> version of the Intel compiler for Linux (for non-commercial use), in
> http://www.thefreecountry.com/compilers/cpp.shtml

s/free/free of charge/g

There are enough companies that tries to blur the distinction
and muddle the water so it's easier to fish the naive.

The more experienced user already know that usually, "free" gifts
are nothing more than colored glass beads waiting for you to shell
real money for the crown jewels. Over time many users rightfully became
suspicious to those "free" gifts and always look for "the catch".

Therefore, we should always keep (and present) the distinction very
clearly and prevent anybody from associating Free-Software with
those "free-now-until-we-trapped-you-in-our-hands" software.
Any such association causes real damage to Free-Software.

There's nothing wrong in using proprietary software (gratis
or not), as long as those who use it understand clearly
the difference from Free-Software.

Oron Peled                             Voice/Fax: +972-4-8228492
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                  http://www.actcom.co.il/~oron
ICQ UIN: 16527398

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