On Thu, Mar 22, 2007 at 10:55:11AM +0200, Peter wrote:

> I am not an expert on this, but any algorithm that runs in O(1) or
> close to that for the data size you use is a candidate. The data
> size should be obviously less than 2^32 for x86 at least in any
> indexable dimension if you want a reasonably smooth ride. Larger
> things (like 30 million record databases to be used in real-time)
> move up to better things like 64-bit x86 and up. F.ex. 30 million
> records will require less than 7 bits per entry just to keep a
> complete linear index in 3GB of RAM (the maximum usable you can put
> in a x86 32 bit machine).

With PAE you can stick in a lot more RAM on x86-32, but then your
bottleneck becomes the 3GB of virtual address space for a single


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