On 3/25/07, Peter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hello all,

last week the spam filters on the list ate two of my messages. They were
large messages and I put a lot of effort into them. In the past few
weeks this has happened a few times. Obviously I have been wasting my
time writing them. Subsequent reporting of a message by an admin did not
make it appear.

I was sick during the weekend. I  approved it now.

The time has come to ask the question whether ilnux-il admins will
consider giving up spam filtering the mailing list. I am subscribed to a
number of mailing lists and none filter or moderate postings without
explicitly saying so and especially without offering recourse. linux-il
is the only one.

The spam fliter were instate at the request of people from the mailing list.
If a discussion on the list will conclude that the spam filter should be
removed I'll remove it.

I consider that subscribed and verified (at least by email
confirmation and captcha) members of a mailing list can be trusted to
not flood the list with spam (which would result in their being banned).
Electronic chaperones are not welcome. Especially chaperones which have
proven that they will cause data loss as they did for me.

Sadly enough it's too easy to fake someone's from header.
A bot doesn't need to subscribe but rather just to harvest one email.
Maybe getting a third moderator will help.

I would like to have a clear answer about why the linux-il list has a
spam filter although it is a closed list as any other, who decided o
install it, and whether removing (not just for me) it is an option that
will be considered. If the answer is no, I may consider unsubscribing.
There is no point in posting to a Russian Roulette list that may delete
those postings I put most effort into (and has done so repeatedly so
far). I can follow the list from an archive without wasting any time
composing messages that will be deleted.

If the problem is only with your email we can just  add a rule to not spam
filter your emails.
Is there anyone else who is encoutering any problems?

I am awaiting response,



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