
El lun, 16-04-2007 a las 10:46 +1000, Geoff Shang escribió:

> I'm about to move to Israel with my wife.  We've managed to land ourselves 
> a good deal for cable Internet, and I've been reading conflicting 
> information about how it works.

The best way I found to deal with cable was calling to the ISP( but
never to HOT!) and ask them for Linux support otherwise I´ll move to
other ISP. They instantly gave me a direct connection so I didn´t have
to worry about protocols for the DHCP. The method works pretty well with
many ISP.

> The howto at 
> http://tx.technion.ac.il/~eyalroz/linux_cable_pptp.html says that everyone 
> uses PPTP.  The howto at http://iglu.org.il/amit/cable seems to indicate 
> that this was changing, and the IGLU FAQ says all you need is a DHCP client 
> and the cable modem.  I've also heard from other sources that it uses 
> PPPoE.  So which is it?

AFAIK and at least until four months ago, cable uses L2TP. For more
information check out

> Thanks in advance for any help you can give.  It's confusing trying to get 
> technical questions answered from the other side of the world when you don't 
> speak the language.


> Julian Daich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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