client side application of-course
however, the application is downloaded from the server
so using sun only classes, i understand i need pay no royaltees
how about flash ?

i was wandering if anyone has experiance with java/flash or other
technologies for similiar tasks, for example sip-client.
over java/flash/anything-else-which-is-platform-independant
is that roayly free


On 5/4/07, Andre Bar'yudin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Answers to your questions will depend on your actual needs.  Flash has
some built-in support for microphone/camera, but only starting at
certain version (7? 8?) and obviously it is not as full as a locally
running application.

Java's support for this kind of things tends to be more limited.

Also think - will the target audience have the necessary software
installed (right version of Flash/Java) or will they be curious enough
to go and install it?

Regarding math - once again, all depends on your actual requirements.  I
am not familiar with Flash's script language, but Java should be
sufficient for almost everything you want (a Turing-complete language
after all).  But Flash can use JavaScript - would that be good enough?

Legally - if you use Sun's Java classes only you don't have to pay
anyone.  But I don't understand your saying about running stuff on your
server - we are talking client-side application, right?



Erez D wrote:
> hi
> i was asked to write an app for a website.
> i need to access the camere and microphone,
> the network, and possibly to utilize some math algos.
> i was considering java and flash
> which is more adequate ?
> also, should i considure other technoligies ?
> and legal issues:
> if i write a java applet using foss tools. and i use it
> on my web server. do i need to pay a fee to sun ? or anyone else ?
> what about flash ?
> thanks,
> erez.
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