First, performance wise (calculations and stuff), Flash should be ok since
their scripting engine (ActionScript) is basically JavaScript with a good
JIT engine. Of course it's not as proven as Java, but really, it should be

On 5/6/07, Erez D <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

client side application of-course
however, the application is downloaded from the server
so using sun only classes, i understand i need pay no royaltees

Nor you have to pay any royalties for Flash. The only thing you'd pretty
much have to pay for, in the Flash case, is the Flash authoring tools (i.e.
Macromedia Flash).

i was wandering if anyone has experiance with java/flash or other
technologies for similiar tasks, for example sip-client.
over java/flash/anything-else-which-is-platform-independant
is that roayly free

Yes, both options are royalty free. The only thing you should care about is
whether Java / Flash allow you to interface with the hardware and OS
components you need (e.g. microphone).

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